Pon Hybrid Event

On Wednesday January 23rd the Pon companies, Energy Solutions Center, Pon Power and EST Floattech organised a joined event at the headquarter of Pon Power in Papendrecht. 

The reason for this event was the product launch of a newly developed hybrid energy container. This container is a showcase for a suitable hybrid power solution.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Today Corporate Social Responsibility is unavoidable. And although fossil fuels have an important role; we must ultimately depend on this as little as possible. Therefore the three Pon companies have joined forces with regard to advising on the integration of renewable energy sources. This can be applied in an existing or new construction situation. Whether it is an on-grid or an off-grid solution. The best application differs per situation and is thought out in detail. 

The goal of this event was to present the hybrid energy container to more than 80 relations that were present this day. By means of a product presentation, a look in and around the container and a meet the engineering part, this day had an instructive and interactive character.

Source: https://topec.nl/pon-hybride-event-groot-succes/