Management and Ponooc finalize sale of Servicehouse & Windcentrale to Coolblue Management and Ponooc have sold both Servicehouse and Windcentrale to Coolblue – a leading and…
Management and NOM conclude buy-out of Well Engineering Partners Well Engineering Partners (WEP) has been acquired by WEP’s management team and the Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij…
Essent acquires VandeBron Essent has acquired its fellow utility company Vandebron for an undisclosed amount, the fact hat…
Green energy from your own windturbine Do you want to turn on your lights with electricity from your own wind turbine?…
WEP has won a contract with Nagra WEP has won a contract with Nagra, Switzerland, for the drilling supervision of a number…
Successful launch of second MPV 30 Waddenstroom for Rijkswaterstaat A year ago, Rijkswaterstaat awarded an international tender to the Bijlsma Wartena shipyard for the construction…
Lansingerland Doublet delivery Huisman LOC-400 “Heracles” rig was rigged up over LSL-GT-01 in August and this production well…
Strategic Partnership Enercon – Lagerwey The Dutch windmill manufacturer Lagerwey is being taken over by the German windturbine manufacturer Enercon.…
Lagerwey and Novawind set up joint venture Red Wind NovaWind, the subsidiary of RosAtom responsible for its renewable energy programs, and its technology partner,…
EST-Floattech provides battery power for hybrid Multi Purpose Vessels The Netherlands’ infrastructure agency Rijkswaterstaat has awarded Bijlsma Wartena a contract to build its three…